เลือกประเทศหรือภูมิภาคอื่น หากต้องการดูเนื้อหาเฉพาะตามตำแหน่งที่ตั้งของคุณและเลือกซื้อสินค้าแบบออนไลน์ ภาษาไทย X

Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges

( Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges ยาอมละลายเสมหะ บรรเทาอาการไอ สเตร็ปซิล เชสตี้ คอฟ กล่อง 24 เม็ด )

Strepsils Orange ยาอมบรรเทาอาการเจ็บคอ 24 เม็ด สีส้ม

Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Chesty Cough is a mucolytic lozenge which helps clear your airways and controls chesty cough caused by excessive tenacious mucus.

Adults: Dissolve two lozenges in the mouth, one after the other, 3 times a day. Children 5-10 years: Dissolve one lozenge in the mouth 3 times a day.

Keep all medicines out of the reach of the children.


Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges Strepsils Ches...
ยาอมละลายเสมหะ บรรเทาอาการไอ สเตร็ปซิล เชสตี้ คอฟ กล่อง 24 เม็ด Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges

Strepsils Chesty Cough lozenges, Amborxol hydrochloride, clears airways, relieves chesty coughs, 24 lozenges


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