สินค้าอุปโภคบริโภคธงฟ้าประชารัฐ สามารถใช้บัตรสวัสดิการแห่งรัฐ
Oral-B shiny clean soft At Oral-B we care for your oral health by developing innovative products that are trusted by dental professionals worldwide. Dentist recommend changing your brush every 3 months Clinical research proves that a new toothbrush can remove up to 30% more plaque than one 3 months old. Research with a flat trim toothbrush carefully polished end-rounded bristles are gentle on your teeth and gums.
Designed to reach in-between teeth
Designed to help freshen breath
Most used by dentists based on surveys of a representative worldwide sample of dentists usage carried out for P&G continuously.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day