Iris tectorum Maxim Iridis Tectori Rhizoma ว่านหางช้าง ชวนเซ่อกาน 川射干 Iridaceae สมุนไพร
Iris tectorum Maxim Iridis Tectori Rhizoma (Chuanshegan) or Roof Iris Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Iris tectorum Maxim., family Iridaceae. 70% Ethanol extract of Iridis Tectori Rhizoma has anti-inflammatory activity in several animal experimental models. The active constituents are isoflavones such as tectorigenin and iridin. Iridis Tectori Rhizoma clearly shows anti-pyretic activity in mice with yeast induced fever. Iridigenin has anti-viral activity against influenza virus, enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) virus and adenovirus, and also against Diplococcus pneumoniae. Bitter in flavor, cold in nature. Enter lung channel. Clear heat-toxin, resolve phlegm and relieve throat congestion.